Our Partners
Our Partners
Dedicated to providing support, resources, and advocacy to our colleagues, we believe wholeheartedly that with the appropriate support UCSC educators want to be full partners in making education equitable and accessible for all who come here to learn.
TLC partners with key units on campus who are engaged in student equity work, including student-facing units, to encourage a more holistic and collaborative approach to addressing inequity and ensuring student success.
Our campus partners include:
A small sample of our partnerships
have included collaborations on:
- Assessing teaching effectiveness in the faculty personnel review process (COT/CAP)
- Redesigning the questions we ask in the Student Experience of Teaching Surveys (COT)
- Developing a New Faculty Teaching Academy (CCA)
- Partnering on professional development for STEM equity (HSI Initiatives)
- Co-authoring a handbook on accommodations for students with disabilities (DRC)
- Developing workshops on accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (DRC)
- Redesigning the way we prepare and support Summer Session GSIs (Division of Undergraduate Education)
- Surveying students about their learning during remote instruction (IRAPS)
- Developing equity data tools and reports for use in consultation with faculty to address course- and department level equity gaps (IRAPS)
- Co-leading workshops for faculty on the campus climate survey (ODEI)
- Helping graduate students prepare teaching statements for the academic job market (Grad Div, Graduate Student Commons)
- Working with departments to foster antiracist teaching practices (Grad Div, ODEI)
- Helping the residential colleges rethink approaches to academic integrity violations (Colleges)
- Creating special workshops to prepare international graduate students for teaching roles (Global Engagement)