TLC is a hub for research on teaching and learning embedded in practice at UC Santa Cruz. We aim to uplift innovative research about higher-education teaching and learning conducted by UC Santa Cruz researchers, both about our campus and beyond. With the support of external grants and campus partnerships, we also conduct research to develop resources and professional development opportunities that support equity-minded teaching practices on our campus.

Featured Research
Teaching for Black Girls: What Every Graduate Student Instructor Can Learn from Black Girlhood Studies
I don’t remember many details from my first teaching experience, but I do recall the feeling of dread as I entered a small classroom one winter evening. As I was new to the research university setting, I did not have any personal experience with teaching assistants (TAs) from which to draw…
Research About UCSC
Minoritized students’ experiences with pandemic-era remote learning inform ways of expanding access
Learning in the Counterspace of Not School
Growth messages increase help-seeking and performance for women in STEM
What does it mean to belong? An interdisciplinary integration of theory and research on belonging