Building on right with glass, metal bridge with mesh sides.

Office Hours

Instructional Technology Office Hours

For help with instructional tools or digital assignments, join our daily office hours! Hosted jointly by the Teaching & Learning Center and Instructional Spaces & Technology, these sessions are open daily to instructors and all teaching team members.
Note that these hours are for technical assistance with educational technologies. For pedagogical advice or instructional design consultations, please contact directly.

Fall Office Hours: Monday–Friday, 1–2 PM

Join Office Hours

If prompted, the passcode is: help

Additional Office Hours are provided at the start and end of the quarter. 

Here’s just a sample of some of the things we can help with:

  • Canvas — creating assignments, discussions, or quizzes, publishing courses and modules, setting up the gradebook, how to use SpeedGrader, student groups, assigning peer reviews…
  • Zoom — scheduling meetings, how to share screen, virtual background and filters, creating polls or breakout rooms, accessing participation reports and taking attendance, Zoom security and preventing Zoombombing, setting up Zoom class meetings in Canvas…
  • YuJa — how to upload videos, recording and editing YuJa videos, adding in-video quizzes, sharing videos with your students, adding YuJa media into Canvas, adding captions to your videos…
  • Anything about Gradescope, Hypothesis, Google Suite… and more! Come visit us!

If you prefer a scheduled one-on-one consultation or want pedagogical advice, visit our consultations page.

Last modified: Oct 11, 2024