Niko Kaplanis

Graduate Pedagogy Fellow in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (2023)

Niko Kaplanis is a sixth-year PhD student, studying rocky intertidal ecology and field research methods in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Niko has demonstrated a commitment to mentorship and teaching, especially through leading field-based learning experiences. He has mentored undergraduates, been a TA for seven courses including Phycology and Scientific Diving, and has been a Graduate Student Instructor for Field Methods in Marine Ecology. Niko’s teaching vision is to increase involvement and retention of students in marine science through implementing field-based learning that increases sense of belonging and self-efficacy. Niko is excited to learn effective pedagogy from the interdisciplinary CITL community so he may provide positive learning experiences for students in the future.

Last modified: Apr 14, 2023