Ruth Murray-Clay

CITL Faculty Fellow (2022-23); CITL/Physical & Biological Sciences (PBSci) Division Faculty Fellow (2017–18); Professor, Astronomy and Astrophysics

CITL/Physical & Biological Sciences (PBSci) Division Faculty Fellow Ruth Murray-Clay is Associate Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics. In 2017, she was awarded the Ron Ruby Award for Teaching Excellence in the Physical & Biological Sciences at UC Santa Cruz. In 2013, she received the Harvard University Certificate of Teaching Excellence. As a CITL/PBSci Faculty Fellow, she plans to conduct statistical investigations into the experiences of and challenges faced by UCSC undergraduates majoring in physics, with the primary goals of identifying the main barriers faced by underrepresented student groups (especially during their first year), learning how to better retain underrepresented students, and enhancing diversity within the physics major.

Last modified: Apr 13, 2023