Historical Equity Data Analyses


The TLC can provide an hour-long consultations to examine past outcomes for a specific course with an individual instructor or with a department to examine patterns in departmental level data, including retention, graduation, grades in major requirements, and major migration.

Please note that we require a 2–3 week turnaround time to prepare the data. We will propose a consultation time via Google calendar, which can be adjusted as needed to suit your schedule.

Individual Historical Analyses

These hour-long consultations use course performance (grade) data generated by IRAPS, which can be disaggregated to differentiate among groups of students, based on your request. If you are currently teaching the course, we will also provide the demographic breakdown of your course for the current quarter and additional information about students’ previous enrollments. We will explore the key takeaways from these data and potential actions you can take.

Each report is developed specifically for the individual faculty member, although the longitudinal grade data covers all iterations of the course for the prior decade, regardless of instructor. Please click the link to tell us more about your needs and to request a consultation.

Departmental Historical Analyses

These hour-long consultations work with departments to examine patterns in departmental level data, including retention, graduation, grades in major requirements, and major migration.

Requests should come from the department chair or curriculum analyst. Each report is developed specifically for the department. Please click the link to tell us more about your needs and the questions you are interested in exploring, and to request a consultation.

Last modified: Apr 26, 2023