New Faculty
Teaching Academy
About the New Faculty Teaching Academy
Designed for Senate faculty in all fields, whether or not they are new to college-level teaching, this Academy introduces new faculty to UC Santa Cruz students, the fundamentals of evidence-based teaching practices that promote equitable outcomes, and the resources available for supporting effective teaching on an ongoing basis.
With the goal of introducing new faculty to UC Santa Cruz as an institution, and supporting the transition to faculty life here, the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) welcomes new Senate faculty to the Teaching Academy in September each year.
The Teaching Academy is part of the New Faculty Academy, a collaboration between the TLC and the Academic Senate Committee that includes:
- New Faculty Welcome Day, an initial introduction to the structure of the university and cohort building day;
- Teaching Academy, which introduces faculty new to UC Santa Cruz to our students and to the fundamentals of evidence-based teaching practices; and
- a series of deeper dives into faculty governance, research, and career development over the rest of the year
Designed for faculty in all fields, whether or not they are new to college-level teaching, the Teaching Academy includes a thorough introduction to the instructional landscape at UC Santa Cruz. Topics include research- and evidence-based approaches to:
- Equity-minded teaching practices
- Active learning strategies for courses of any size or discipline
- Assignment and assessment design
- Supporting student academic integrity
- Teaching with educational technologies
- Working with TAs and other members of the teaching team
- Setting healthy boundaries as an educator
- Resources for supporting students facing academic and personal challenges
How to Participate
New Senate faculty in any discipline are welcome to participate in the New Faculty Teaching Academy.
The Fall 2024 cohort will meet September 17-18, 2024.
We request that all participants commit to attending the entire two full days of the Teaching Academy, rather than participating on a drop-in basis.
Please contact us at if you are a new Senate faculty member and haven’t received an invitation to attend.