Close up of back of person's head, they are writing on paper, with the words "Building Communities" at the top.

Preparing for Inclusive

About the Program

Preparing for Inclusive Teaching is a one-day professional development opportunity offered before the start of the Fall Quarter to support early career graduate student TAs in STEM and Social Science fields to strengthen their inclusive teaching practices and to build a cross-departmental graduate student teaching community. This program was originally part of the Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) SEMILLA grant, and so brings particular attention to the importance of inclusive teaching in lower-division PBSci, SOE, and SocSci “gateway” courses. Participants have the opportunity to hear from faculty, staff, and fellow grads as they discuss strategies to best support their students and themselves.

Topics include:

  • Developing learning outcomes and formative assessments with equity in mind
  • Promoting student motivation and sense of belonging from the first day onward
  • Strengthening learning-supportive mindsets and feedback on student work
  • Utilizing active learning techniques that promote students’ problem-solving skills
  • And more!

Upon completion of the workshops, graduate students receive a professional development certificate indicating their successful participation.

How to Participate

The program this year will be on September 20, 2024 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM on main campus.
Sign up to participate before August 26, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact

Last modified: Jun 28, 2024