About the STEM Teaching & Learning Community
The STEM Teaching and Learning Community (STEM TLC) provides an opportunity for faculty teaching all STEM courses, but is especially geared towards instructors large-enrollment STEM courses that are important gateways for students seeking to access upper-division courses in their intended majors. STEM TLC is a professional development community for instructors to think together about pedagogical practices that promote STEM equity.
In recognition of both the performance disparities in these STEM courses and the opportunity to increase equity and inclusion in STEM, members of STEM TLC discuss common challenges and solicit shared solutions. The group meets four times per quarter to share teaching practices, read current research in teaching and learning, and address topics such as:
- active learning
- effective assessment for promoting student learning
- practical techniques for motivating students and encouraging the practice of STEM skills
- promoting equity in large lecture settings
- facilitating effective group work
- working with TAs to create cohesive teaching teams
How to Participate in the STEM TLC
Instructors of large-enrollment, lower-division gateway courses in STEM are welcome to join STEM TLC.
For additional information about the community, please contact